Cooler, friendlier, modern, more intuitive COSMOTE Romania re-launches its website

Bucharest, March 25th, 2014
COSMOTE Romania announces the re-launch of website, as part of the operators’ ongoing strive to provide an easier access to information and to all company’s services. The new website comes with a new look, a new structure, and is introducing an integrated e-shop platform that will allow to purchase a wide range of COSMOTE services and various products. Visitors will also have the possibility to activate new contracts or to renew their existing ones, as well as to perform various actions on their account.
“The new brings a state of the art online journey, more engaging and an easier process of choosing the perfect bundles. We are glad to provide users with a fully automated website that offers a simpler and more effective way to browse through the company’s services and products. Customers can now order online, receiving the package where they want to”, stated Olaf Lausen, Chief of Staff and Business Development Romania Director.
The new COSMOTE website comes with new features such as the Slot Machine tool, a selection method through which customers can configure any package with smartphone, subscription, extra-option and accessory in only one page. More than that, in order to help customers find the perfect mobile phone based on their personal needs, not only on the technical characteristics, the new website has integrated the Match Me tool, organized as a non-technical questionnaire focused on customers’ preferences, needs and habits, covering areas such as Internet, e-mail, multimedia and mobility. Following the information provided by customers, the Match Me tool will display the right suggestions of mobile phones.
Also, the website is featured with Fast Access Line, a dropdown list that allows instant display for some of the most important customer actions, and the MyAccount section, through which customers will manage their own profile.
The online shop offers a wide range of handsets and accessories, alongside the company’s services. The customers can choose the preferred dispatch option, home delivery or picking up the products from a COSMOTE store, and the preferred method of payment, online or on delivery.
The new website has a fully responsive design, being able to adapt to any type of screen, thus, offering a complete experience in functionality no matter the device you are browsing it from.
COSMOTE Romania had 6.1 million customers at December 31st, 2013. Launched in 2005, COSMOTE Romania achieved the fastest network development in Europe, according to the Citigroup report in June 2007. In less than 5 years, COSMOTE Romania surpassed its competitors in terms of national network coverage. Today, COSMOTE Romania offers seamless communication to more than 99% of the population and 90% of the territory. COSMOTE Romania is a subsidiary of COSMOTE Group, the operator with the strongest presence in SE Europe with approximately 15.6 million customers. For more information, visit

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