D&B David şi Baias strengthens its litigation and competition teams

Bucharest, 13th of January 2014. Amelia Teis, litigation lawyer, and Lucian Bozian, competition law specialist, who was head inspector in the Competition Council, have joined D&B David şi Baias, , the correspondent law firm of PwC in Romania.
“We chose two reputed professionals that, I am certain, will add more value to our litigation and competition teams. As such we will continue to provide top class legal assistance to our clients”, stated Sorin David, Managing Partner, D&B David şi Baias.
Amelia Teis has lead the litigation and arbitrage division of a Romanian law firm, also coordinating the legal team specialised in public acquisitions. Between 2010 and 2013, Amelia has assisted clients in over 60 public acquisitions disputes which were brought in front of the National Council for Solving Complaints and various courts of law. Some of the landmark projects that she managed were providing legal assistance for a Romanian business federation in a case of financial corrections of over 17 million EUR for POSDRU financed European projects, as well as legal assistance for a constructions company in contesting the results of the tender for some highway sectors.
Lucian Bozian was a head inspector in the Competition Council for over 6 years, working in important departments such as – Research and Economic Analysis, Industry and Energy, Anti-Trust. He was involved in numerous dawn raids and participated as rapporteur in many investigations involving vertical or horizontal agreements in industries such as paints and varnishes, automotive, gas distribution and LNG, staples. Lucian undertook many professional training programs, one of which was organized by the European Commission, as well as a training in conducting dawn raids organized by the United States Justice Department and the FBI.
About D&B David şi Baias:
D&B David si Baias is the correspondent law firm of PwC Romania, being integrated in the PwC network of correspondent law firms that has more than 2000 lawyers in 75 jurisdictions.
D&B David şi Baias is a business law firm. The D&B David şi Baias team provide integrated, innovative and pragmatic solutions, by providing assistance, representation and legal advice in the following areas: companies and groups of companies, mergers, acquisitions and restructuring, real estate, employment and human resources, financial services and capital markets, competition and state aid, intellectual property, consumer and personal data protection, tax and commercial litigation.

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